Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness

Your beauty is way too fair,
as rainy days like these are rare.
This infinite growing sadness,
harnessed pools of shallow madness.

Deeply falling to the endless abyss,
as I yearn and long for your
warm embrace and deep tender kiss.

The infinite rain drops they keep rolling,
as the shadows come creeping and crawling.
I lie awake with eyes half closed,
Thoughts of you in my brain, overdose.

With your lovely presence,
 life would have essence.
Now wide-awake, dreaming,
with you in it, surely
life would have meaning.

Under the cover of blankets
your heart will be my trinket.
 My lady,
You’ll drown away my sorrows
and I promise you,
 I’ll be your forever and tomorrow.

(Haven’t blogged or written any poems for a while, probably inspired or most likely feeling good about the cold weather. Nonetheless happy reading.)

Credit's to the Pumpkins; Im stealing your album title. :)