Monday, June 17, 2013


I sometimes wish that I smoke. Not for the reasoning of being in with the “it” smokers crowd or the new phase of the electronic generation of e-cigarette users. Although I do confess that those aromatic smell of the e-cig flavors almost got me to join in.

I want to smoke for the solitary factor or probably for the wonderment that every puff does relax and steady the mind. I tend to think too much and worry about things, and smoking does seem to help others un-think.

If only smoking really gives you the freedom to forget your worries, and for you to not give a fuck about things in the clear then I would definitely give it a go.

But I never smoked in my life and I am not planning to pick up the habit anytime soon.

So you might be asking yourself what do people like me do to ease the mind and chill? Me, I take comfort in silence and write all things that come to mind. If inspiration or thought is enough then I transcribe my thoughts and convert them to poems. If all else fails I take a nap, and trust me, a nap solves everything.