something that makes you dizzy and want to throw up is not a good thing, and yes that is the case with me and first person shooters. Upon 10 minutes of playing it i feel like my head is spinning and i needed to take a break. I played counter strike before, and yes i sucked at it but 30 minutes tops i was dizzy as hell.
Getting a ps3 made me realize that i need to get used to first person shooters, because 75% of the good games that are coming out are fps, and i don't want to miss out, but to the cost of what? me vomiting after 30 minutes of game play? exaggeration there but it could happen.

Alas, i had to take the gamble and i tried Bioshock and to to my amazement i was bio SHOCKED! sorry for the corniness. The game is very twisted and exquisite. while playing it i feel like im in a sci-fi horror movie which is pure awesomeness. There are a lot of freaky things in the game, the enemies alone are freaky enough, the are sick and demented beings, i remember walking in a murderous clinic, and upon seeing this grotesque doctor murdering a patient, he turned the lights off, and when it pop backed on he was gone, then after examining the room, the bastard hid himself in the cabinet and jumped out like a freak on me. Luckily i have my machine gun to blast his brains into smithereens lol. There are also moral choices here, you get to decide if you want to kill the "little sisters" freaky little girls who looks like they are half dead with pure yellow eyes. If you decide to kill em you get their "Adam" which are stem cells which will grant you max amount of power to defeat the baddies. In turn if you don't kill em, you can cure them and return them to their normal and cute state and in return you will only get half the "Adam". Like i said i was addicted to this game, so i killed all the "little sisters" that i could fine, just to have no trouble of killing the bad guys, but yep i really felt bad doing it. Also these "little sisters" have a big bionic body guard "Big Daddy's" which protects them, so you have to deal with them first before you can get the "Adam" which i have to say is a tough fight. I fell in love with the game because of its awesome story line and the scenery and music matches the environment perfectly. In the future i think i would replay the game again to unlock the good side. Overall this game gets a 10 out of 10, and yes im going to get bioshock 2 collectors edition. =)