Saturday, March 13, 2010

Home is where the Heart is (at least half of it)


informal blog, ahhhhh this all seems so weird to me, I havent written any thoughts for a while and it feels like a year since I last updated my blog. I may still be recovering from writers rust but here we go...

A lot of things have been happening to me, ups and downs, good and bad, here and there, the works. Changes have been a huge deal and so far I am trying to get used to a major major change that can alter the course of my life and that is me moving back home to study.

Was it the right thing to do? Yes I had my doubts, everything was going great for me back in my second home, so why the big decision to move back home? It's complicated, but honestly speaking, me heart never really left home in the first place. The company of my old friends, the house I grew up in, the familiar places and feelings that makes someone giddy inside, it's all coming back and that puts a very big smirk on my face.

Still I can say that I am not second home sick, second home referring to California. I would be lying if I said that I don't yearn for the warmth California sun and seemingly everyday perfect weather, college people and the comfort of family.

But still this decision was made by me, because my gut tells me that in the end I will eventually succeed and be happy. I know I was very selfish, but this is for the best and I just have to trust my instincts on this.

My state of thought is still unstable, it's probably because of all the rush of things that are sinking in and the reality that I have to do this no matter what befalls me or what ever lies ahead to take on the path of a meaningful and fruitful future. I consider this as a journey to Nirvana with twist and turns, that hopefully I will be able to handle.

To everyone that I have left behind I deeply miss you all, I will be back someday but for now I have to do this, and I promise that I will. Props to all the advice and support!

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