Monday, October 20, 2008

NERD ALERT: World of Warcraft Mount!

woot woot! yes as you may know i am addicted to world of warcraft and i am a nerd about it,and last night was the best experience yet. Hallow's end event is a halloween event in WOW and i think its the best one, and for the main event you have to kill a headless horseman in the process. Me and my guildies managed to kill him and guess what dropped? a super rare item which is his epic flying mount, with anticipation everyone needed on it,and hell yes! i was the one who won it! i got to say it really made my day, for a long time, this has got to be the best thing that ever happened to me in wow so im pretty psyched about it. Yes i know im a nerd, but that makes me, me, so deal with it!

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