Friday, August 20, 2010

I'll Find You...

I grow tired…
of waiting, pondering before sleeping.
Long sleepless nights while floating,
wide awake still day-dreaming.

Rain drops dripping,
It is you that I am longing.
Not knowing excites me,
thoughts of you delight me.
False hope invites me,
pretty soon it will come and bite me.

Waiting in vain,
while listening to the rain.
Half-smile masks the pain.
I think I am going Insane.

When the rain stops,
I’ll make my move.
I swear my dear, I’ll look for you.
Although weary and wounded
I won’t stop.
I’ll never give up, not until,
I draw my very last breath
or when my heart ceases to stop.

Together let’s put an end to these
empty nights.
and please don’t hesitate
to turn off the lights.
Let's dive into our blankets,
and enjoy the company of night.
Although we are under the cover of darkness,
I swear I'll never let go and
will forever be by your side.
You are my savior from insomnia.
Because of you, my lady,
finally,I can now sleep tight.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Splendid Sundays! :)

Out of the negativity and the tiredness experienced in the past weeks, then comes a day where everything is splendid and happiness is given.This Sunday, it came in the form of rain, boodle fight, table tennis and of course the company of great friends.

I finally had an awesome sleep. How do you define an awesome sleep? For me, it's more than four hours lol. I woke up feeling rejuvenated though, and without the thought of Monday in my head and the hell that comes with it in the form of homework and there deadlines.

Lunch time came, and things got better. Boodle Fight! For those unfamiliar with this term, it is basically a form of eating, where Banana leaves are laid down as extended plates, then dishes are arranged to accommodate the people eating and lastly you eat with your bare hands. In other words it's like a survivor food frenzy. This kind of eating is basically done outdoors, in rural areas and in military setting. So even with bystanders looking around and questioning what we were doing, we just ate and had no care in the world. I mean why not bring it to the city and just enjoy the feast.

Then came my most favorite thing in the world, Rain. So what did we decide to do? As master of the elements, we decided to have a table tennis tournament despite the heavy rainfall and the relentless wind. I did okay but I only lasted up until the second round because the rain had seized I know longer had my special powers which are only present to me when it is raining LOL.

All is fine again, on the other hand I have chemistry homework due and that bastard Monday is fast approaching. Getting ready for another hell week, but I look forward to seeing you again my sweet sweet Sunday! :)

Boodle Fight: Lots and Lots of Rice, Scrambled Eggs, Pork Chops, Barbecued Chicken and Sardines.


Final product before digging in:

Friday, August 6, 2010


Put your feelings into literature, a very good advice from a lovely friend...

I am a slave of tiredness, and tiredness has gotten me by the throat. I have been drifting like a zombie and my mind remains afloat. In the emptiness of the night, I wake, from nightmares with cold sweat dripping down my face.

Reality sinks in, I am really back at school. there goes the good days, smiles, getting familiar with pretty faces, new acquaintances and some of them I admit really brightens my day.

Then comes the complicated, unnecessary things needed for school, reliance, teamwork, faults thrown back and forth, alas tiredness claims me.

I wear eye glasses, but my visions are still clouded. Someone help me see the beauty that will come out from all of this. Cause right now I am too tired to give a shit or care, but I try my best to hold it all in together for the sake of sanity and the love of friends.

No offense intended, only honest opinions. Thus writing has helped me relax and find conclusions. With lovely literature I find solace and silence in these endless waves of mutilations.

I am a slave of tiredness for now, but pretty soon I will be free. This week has been hell and there is too much load that I alone cannot carry.

I am thankful that I have friends who are there too help me, catches me when I fall and are true and wont desert me. The value of living is not by the money you make,the car you drive or the loft that you live in. Instead it's the friends that hold you, the ones who are always there for you, in the harshest of times, through the thickest of thin.

I bow down before you, and even with tired and trembling hands, I salute you.