Monday, May 30, 2011

Informal Complaints

I don’t really know what has gotten into me but I suddenly feel so tired. Maybe it’s just the heavy burden of summer or again the ever lingering insomnia filled nights that has again filled my system. Both the days and nights seem longer and I lost proper sleep. I have been twisting and turning and the absence of good dreams has been a downer. Maybe it’s the feeling of the summer school pressure lifting away and the thought of having nothing to do in a single week of vacation before school starts again.

Weird, am I used to this? The feeling of doing something every day, waking up early and now armed with a daily routine and school. Do I long for these things now? What the hell is wrong with me lol. I priorities these things instead of sleeping long hours and being a couch potato all day? Because that would have definitely been my first choice if I had to choose. Now the absence of activity is beginning to bother me how ironic. I guess I’m really an adult with loaded responsibilities and so far I am craving and enjoying the work. Nifty!

"I could use more walks". -Amber

The rain might also have been a contributing factor. I used to love the rain, its lazy weather for god sake’s. Now it has been raining for almost two weeks, and I am tired of the gray skies and gloominess. It has been a hindrance for me as well as Amber's because I can’t take her out for walks when it’s obviously pouring cats and dogs out there in every hour of everyday.

This is not me complaining, this is me writing to get the stress and tiredness out of my system. So “the one” if you are out there, I am still looking for you, and in case you find me first; please beat the hell out of the pessimist inside me and in contrast inspire me. That I would really appreciate :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Not That Bad :)

Not That Bad (an evaluation of the summer that’s been)

I am momentarily gazing at my physics book right now, and I am considering the thought of burning it so it will never see the light of day again, then again, my fondness of books even if it is only lab manual is the only thing that is stopping me from torching it.

The wretched heat is still present, but the long hours of summer school has dwindled down to the last days of the finals. Even though I might fail physics class (praying that I won’t), somehow I am more relaxed and at ease with what has transpired during this summer.

Coming from a recent enjoyable nature trip, I was too lazy to go to summer school. The thought of me spending a full day in class, dealing with the horrid heat outside and the short breaks where you barely have time to eat your meal before the next class starts, in contrast to going out to various trips and sleeping all day really was a downer for me.

During the first few weeks, the so-called adjustment period, I wasn’t ecstatic to go to class. Our previous nursing section was divided and we got mixed with the other sections half. Dealing with new people, new faces and new attitudes seems like so much work.

The first day was not that promising. You can literally hear a needle drop because of the dead silence. Old groups stuck together neither interested in introduction or interaction. Typical behavior and it actually dragged on till the following week. Then the different seating arrangements and groupings came, so we just had no other choice but to deal with each other. How old is the saying that first impressions last? I have no clue, but as the days dragged on, things began moving in a different direction and I began to enjoy the company of the people around me.

Somehow the quiet lead to a good thing, there was little to no argument in class and it seems to me like everybody was fitting in. Then the tides of talk and chatter came and it was beautiful. Conversations and jokes flying around class, sharing of ideas, thoughts and opinions and of course the teamwork required of copying one’s answers from sources and spreading it around for everyone to make the grade. I was amused with the transition. Now I am part of something new, something wickedly beautiful and I belonged.

For all the complaints and crap that I talked about summer, I ask for forgiveness. For all the times that I wished for summer school to be over quickly, I take it back. Last minute bonding with friends in the last few weeks had been a blast. Now I wish that I had more time to get to know each and everyone in my class, but hey if we don’t get shuffled we have the next 3 years to do that and I am look forward to it.

So everyone thank you for such a wonderful and pleasant experience.
Good luck with the finals and please do enjoy and have a safe summer, see you when I see you. :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Summer of Horrors

Dear Summer,

I am so tired that I am in a state of spiral. Although it looks like I am managing, I am actually in quick sand and I am slowly sinking. Summer is my least favorite part of all the seasons not only because of the horrible horrible heat but also with quite a few factors. To top the list I have summer school and the scheduling really knocks the wind out of you. Everything has become routine and I just go through the motions. The only good thing about school is that you’re indoors and the AC is way up so you’re safe from the horrid summer heat and from the abominable heat stroke.

When I get home, due to brain exhaustion I just drop dead to snooze central .I love sleep but it has become a hindrance for me and Amber. Sometimes the exhaustion just gets to me resulting to nada walks for me and Amber, which I admit ways heavily on my conscience. Before going to school I feel really down when I see Amber’s “please take me with you” puppy face. Our time has been cut short and I guess I am experiencing what every parents feel when they leave their kids in a daycare center or a sitter.

The so-called: Please Take Me With You look.

I miss California and my family too. I had a recent conversation with my brother days ago and all we talked about were the things we used to do and the games we used to play. Seriously I just miss the comfort of home; arguments and agreements with my dad, my mom’s home cooking and the times playing the PS3 and World of Warcraft all day only leaving the room for snacks and bio breaks. Those were indeed the best of times.

Summer has prevented me from going back home to California to see my family and friends. Summer has sprained my walks with Amber. Summer has beaten me dead tired with strenuous school work, but despite that summer has taught me to cope and adapt with reality and the future of the real world. That sacrifices must be made and not everything is a walk in the park. That being separated from comfort and the things that you are used too can make you endure, learn and grow. Although barely breathing, and back with insomnia due to after school snooze’s, I will overcome the horrors of summer no matter what. Till the rainy season commence, summer, I won’t let you fry my brains, touché!

Not your friend,
