Monday, May 30, 2011

Informal Complaints

I don’t really know what has gotten into me but I suddenly feel so tired. Maybe it’s just the heavy burden of summer or again the ever lingering insomnia filled nights that has again filled my system. Both the days and nights seem longer and I lost proper sleep. I have been twisting and turning and the absence of good dreams has been a downer. Maybe it’s the feeling of the summer school pressure lifting away and the thought of having nothing to do in a single week of vacation before school starts again.

Weird, am I used to this? The feeling of doing something every day, waking up early and now armed with a daily routine and school. Do I long for these things now? What the hell is wrong with me lol. I priorities these things instead of sleeping long hours and being a couch potato all day? Because that would have definitely been my first choice if I had to choose. Now the absence of activity is beginning to bother me how ironic. I guess I’m really an adult with loaded responsibilities and so far I am craving and enjoying the work. Nifty!

"I could use more walks". -Amber

The rain might also have been a contributing factor. I used to love the rain, its lazy weather for god sake’s. Now it has been raining for almost two weeks, and I am tired of the gray skies and gloominess. It has been a hindrance for me as well as Amber's because I can’t take her out for walks when it’s obviously pouring cats and dogs out there in every hour of everyday.

This is not me complaining, this is me writing to get the stress and tiredness out of my system. So “the one” if you are out there, I am still looking for you, and in case you find me first; please beat the hell out of the pessimist inside me and in contrast inspire me. That I would really appreciate :)

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