Friday, June 3, 2011

What Always Happens; LIFE.

Just when you thought that you had it so good, within seconds the goodness is snatched as easily as taking candy from a baby and everything turns sour in an instant. Guess that’s life and living, at least that what it has always been for me. Summer school just ended, I did sub-par and I am just thankful that I passed all my classes. Have a week’s vacation to celebration for some quality rest and relaxation, ah I was in my happy place, tranquility without any disturbance, and thus little did I know that things would go down south in an instant.

Nothing beats waking up in the afternoon, but the news that I found out when I woke up as I did my regular facebook check has got me beat. A bunch of peeps that I cherish and adore are going sayonara and that for me was a big disappointment. I am very picky when it comes to friends, in that case real friends because as the saying goes real friends are a dime a dozen. Even though I hate the thought of these people leaving, not seeing them in the usual hang-out place and I admit I’m going to definitely miss the simple hello’s, goodbye’s and the ingats while just passing by the corridors or upon going home. I consider myself very lucky to have met and known them in my lifetime.

Why so sentimental? For the sole reason; “What always happens, Life”. It’s basic, nothing is stagnant, everything flows, everything moves on. Everyone has their own thing that they have to do, be it their careers and relationships. Things will go and new things will definitely come, but old memories will stay and hopefully once recalled will sneak a smile upon thy faces.

Enough with the sentiments, like a long list of movie lines “It’s not goodbye, it’s see you later”. No matter where our paths and future careers take us, I am thankful that you guys have been a part of my life and that I adore and cherish your friendship. As you know I am much older and I thought that I knew everything, but you guys proved me wrong and I have definitely learned a lot from you. I wish you all the best and hopefully our paths will cross again in the future.

Trust me, this piece of writing doesn’t do justice on how much I will miss you guys. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and for sure, me and a bunch of your other friends will always be here for you when needed.


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