First off me and my good friend are both Sagittarian’s. The things that he mentioned about Sagittarians are that they fancy bags/backpacks and they love them as gifts. I am not crazy about bags, but to tell you the truth, wherever I go, I carry a bag or a mail man’s bag for that matter for no particular reason. Most of the time the contents of the bag are just an extra-shirt, handkerchief and a book, sometimes I just bring a bag for the hell of it even if it’s empty. Crazy coincidence, who knows? People often ask me why I carry a bag, sometimes I have no other answer but a simple, "I just like to".
Next stop, he mentioned that Sagittarians are fond of trips and adventures. So it’s another plus on my department, although it was not always like that for me. I used to be a stay at home person, where I am satisfied with being a couch potato, listening to the radio, reading a book or just playing video games. I think my turning point was when I joined the environmental club back in the States. From then on out I adored nature and all the pleasure and scenery that it has to offer. I became addicted to the travel channel and likewise I always wanted to catch the travel bug with the sense of discovery and adventure in mind.
Lastly he mentioned the love interests. LOL. The topic had me laughing because apparently some signs don’t work too well in contrast with others. He told that I should date chicks with water signs for a better outcome on love, LOL. That’s the point where I decided to do some research on my sign.
Sagittarius – The Archer
Optimistic, Sense of Adventure, Straight Forward and Focused, Honest and Goal-Oriented.
Optimistic/ Optimism – Hmmmm, I am a bit of a skeptic actually, but thinking about it I tend to lean on the positive side of things. Even when failure is imminent, I tend to look past that and I always have a plan to fix it. Thus I am a believer that nothing is beyond repair.
Sense of Adventure – as explained above, I love to travel, meet new people, experience new cultures, their traditions, their food and I love to writing a review after. I am a drifter and a nomad at heart.
Straight Forward/Focused –this one I don’t agree with, but hey you can’t get them all right? I am not focused unless inspired, be it by friends, family or loved ones. I tend to procrastinate and I don’t study ahead of time, instead my secret weapon is cramming.
Honest - I am brutally honest, and I often speak my mind. I am very opinionated and although I don’t like to argue I like good long talks and interesting conversations.
Goal-Oriented – like its astronomical symbol which is “The Archer”, even though most of the time I am on lazy mode, I am goal-oriented. I finish things when it needs to be done even though it might be last minute. I am determined to finish my career and hopefully be successful in the working field someday and have a loving family. Who doesn’t? So in other words, it is only myself that can stop me from achieving those things, well that and the increasing tuition fee and the horrid battery exams lol.
The one bad thing about Sagittarians is that we do have short-TEMPERS. Which I admit is a crime that I am guilty of. I don’t lose my cool that easily, but when I am pissed at someone, I am secretly judging and planning a revenge plot for you. LOL. Kidding. But seriously, I do have a short temper, but I forgive easily so that’s a plus.
Lastly on the love department: (this was the part that mostly cheered me up) I am in no hurry to look and find but I am somehow glad that the signs are on my side for now:
For the month of June:
Love and Romance: A new moon, solar eclipse in your sign early in the month, on the 1st, signifies that this is a positive time for Sagittarius to meet someone who can be all that you have ever dreamt about. Eclipse energy is strong, intense and can touch you at the deepest recesses of your heart. You also have Venus the love goddess and passion planet mars in the mix, which makes this a time when Cupid can send an arrow right to your heart centre. Get ready to be moved on an emotional level.
All I can say is WOW!
Listen I don’t take these things too seriously, but I like the fun and the whimsicality that is involved in them, something to think about, something to smile about, something to write about and something to look forward too, that’s all there is too it.
1 comment:
" I do have a short temper, but I forgive easily." Sagittarian din akO! haha..:))
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