Friday, May 4, 2012

Afterthoughts Before an Almost Over Summer

Just ended my midterms, what’s done is done. No more worries time to relax. Summer is a breeze or lack thereof. The weather had been scorching hot and that’s all I can complain about, all has been fine and dandy with summer school and my college schedule has been cooperating with me.I have plenty enough time to hit the snooze button.

Puppy Updates:
The puppies are now a month old. They are as cute as a button but sometimes they can be quite annoying because of the minor squeaks and cries that they produce which caused me numerous time to wake up from my deep sweet slumber. I have decided to keep one of Amber’s litter, a female whom thy name shall be “April”. I have been trying to feed and introduce the puppies to puppy food, but so far I find it to be quite hard and troublesome since they are still latched to their momma Amber’s milk. So far there are improvements but progress is slow. My original plan was to release the puppies when they are about 6 weeks old, but right now that plan seems to be a long-shot, you see, I can’t release the puppies until they are able to gobble up the puppy food with no problem, I guess it’s just a matter of time now, till then I just have to wait and tough it out. Amber is obviously still breastfeeding so I still can’t take her out for long walks. Amber has been an angel though and for a new mom, she’s doing an excellent job in taking care of her pups.

I have been thinking/contemplating really hard about getting braces because gasp…. My worst fear or phobia is actually going to the dentist. I was traumatized when I was a kid, felt like I was strapped on an electric or execution chair and don’t get me started on the needles. I guess I can say that my teeth is okay, and I have a fang tooth which I consider as a lucky charm  but nonetheless despite the horror and the pain I have decided to do it and face my fears. Sunday, I’ll have my x-rays taken and then comes the train tracks.

I popped the cherry and finally experienced a concert here in the Philippines. I was supposed to watch Incubus I think mid October or November but they ran out of tickets in no time. I was running low on cash, so instead of getting a good seat and watch the concert alone I decided to split my moola and watch it with two of my closest friends in the upperbox section or in other words termed as the "nosebleed seats". Overall the view from the nosebleeds was not that bad and I was pleased that a lot of people were in that section with us just for the simple reason that they love the music. Vertical Horizon and Ed Kowalcyk of Live were the bands that were playing, and thus the two bands did not disappoint. I grew up in the 90’s so alternative rock is my genre of choice. The first songs that I learned when I decided to pick up and play the guitar was “Selling the Drama” by Live and “Best I Ever Had” by Vertical Horizon, so to see this guys live really revived my soul about the good old days when music had meaning, soul, substance and the power to connect people.
Magic the Gathering:
If you hadn’t known already, I’m a self confessed nerd. So to nerd based items I shall stick. Like mentioned above I have a bunch of spare time in the pm hours, but since it’s summer and the temperature outside can literally cook and egg, me and my friends turned nocturnal meaning we only go out late at night when the sun refuses to shine. So when I got bored I decided to pull out my old Magic Deck and gave it a whirl (my friends have a bunch of old decks too). To my surprise from what I remembered, it was still oh so awesome and entertaining since I started collecting and playing during the 5th grade which was, believe me ages ago. So far everything is good, my circle of friends have been learning and playing the game quite well and now I hear nerd lingo here and there which is definitely music to my ears. Right now I am so hooked and hopefully my fellow nerds feel the same way, for the reason that these cards can make those epic fun nights nerdier and longer and these cards have the ability to halt this summer boredom.

On a sidenote:
As I awoke from my afternoon nap yesterday, I came across a very surreal sight. Most would say that the sky was bleeding. Apocalypse/Armageddon type of stuff. I was weirded out at first but I kinda liked it. To the peeps who panicked; turns out it was just too much dust-pollution particles around the city which tends to attract and trap yellow and red colorations. Well well, it’s just a sign to clean up our act in the city and do more things to lessen pollution.

Thoughts are now dwindling…. in 3…2..1. Dissapearing.Empty. Goodnight.

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