Monday, April 30, 2012


If only love can save us,
then I guess we're both doomed.
Just the thought of you leaving
leaves me in a surreal state of gloom.

I haven’t mustered the courage
To really tell you how I feel.
I really do want to take my chances,
Hoping that finally this time,
the love that I feel for you is not just infatuation
 but is sincerely and truly real.

I have thoughts of holding you close my dear,
thoughts of having you near.
Check my heart with your stethoscope,
and you’ll hear it pretty clear.

Every beat represents my hidden feelings for you,
Yet now they beat thrice as fast.
Knowing that my secret love for you,
will remain hidden, will fade in time and pass.

I don’t know where you’re going,
nor I haven’t got a clue.
All I know is that my heart
 would be shattered to pieces
and my insides would turn blue.

I only I could control the future,
and if only I could stop time.
Yet  I am bound by chains,
only human, left with just the longing,
and the afterthought, what if you were mine?

-solely for the one who has caught my attention and captured my heart 

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