Friday, April 20, 2012

Summer Romance

"Fall for you, I shall".

Like the dry chapped earth
that longs for the monsoon rains,
lost lover I long for you.

Summer has gotten to me,
I am dehydrated, 
heat-stroked and in a state of trance.
I long for you my summer romance.

Rare, like you
little whispers of the wind,
makes the dry leaves flicker and dance.

They bring questions of you.
Questions of your arrival,
if you could sing or dance,
It both our hearts would work,
if you could save me from this dry love spell.

My dear, despite the conditions,
I'll prove my love for you,
just give me time and chance.

 Summer only lasts for a few months,
but then again takes its sweet sweet time.
Waiting and praying for you, although petty
seems like such heinous  crime.

Raindrops of June, 
please grace me with your presence soon.
For rain showers not only brings beauty,
the monsoon and the bloom of June flowers.

It also brings hope, and the thinking
that after the rain and at the end of that rainbow,
Summer has transitioned to Autumn, which is
also known as the term “Fall” and by that time,
if I ever I find you my dear, 
then "Fall for you I shall".

-for the hopefuls and the lost lover.

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