Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Dog Article: Finders Keepers

"What should I name you?"

A friend of mind recently joked around and messaged me on facebook telling me that instead of that crazy cat person, I was turning into that crazy dog person. I just laughed it off, but part of it was totally true. I have become obsessed with my dogs and I can’t imagine life without dogs especially in my busy and stressed out college student life. Amber to me has been priceless, and a dogs value is truly underrated. After all my hell and hectic days in my hospital duties and school, when I get home she’s always there to pounce, play and please and yes I deeply believe that sometimes pets are better that most people simply because they give you unconditional love, they are always there for you, they never talk back, judge or nag and they are full of positivity and they just aim to please.

Amber just gave birth recently, and the puppies are a tad cute. If I only have the time and space to take care of her litter I would never sell any of the puppies, but like mentioned above I am still a busy as a bee college student and the third year of my student nursing life is fast approaching. (The third year of nursing is the make it or break it stage, it’s the most stressful year from 99% of the nursing peeps that I’ve talked to.) The silver lining is despite all that; I have decided to keep one of her litter, in fact another female who’s name sake is still up in the air. (It’s a tossup between April, Audrey and Aubrey and Arya).

I still have the puppies and I will release them 6 weeks prior from now. Luckily I found a good home for the rest of the puppies, very good friends of mine whom I know to be dog enthusiasts like me and will surely take care of the puppy.

So far for updates, new mommy Amber is doing really well. The only thing that sucks right now is that I can’t take her for our daily walks because she is still breastfeeding the babies. I am pretty excited and giddy though to see the puppies grow. Right now they are trying to stand up and it’s pretty funny when they try to get up and they tumble around instead.

Crazy dog person, call it as you see it. All I know is, and dog lovers like me would agree that dogs not only serves as companions, they become part of you and your family and owning a dog or any pet have positively serious effects and can extend your life. Don’t believe me? Check out this article:

Dog’s Rule!

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