Friday, April 13, 2018

Spring time

I thought I had forgotten about her, but she was kept away from me, locked away, hidden deep in the underworld or figuratively speaking, she was trapped in the crevices of my mind.

Not to exaggerate but it does literally feels like aeons and mere centuries have passed since I last saw her visage. My knees were undeniably shaking, to think that this heavenly being is now gazing back at me, and her warm delicate smile feels like my skin has been grazed by Apollo's eternal sunshine.

Her delicate beauty and her love of books still ever present, from the day that I met her at the beach, and now seeing her feels like a rebirth, like I've traveled back in time.

In truth, ever since the day we've met, I could never escape the fates, for she has captured my heart and I knew that she would forever remain stiched, etched even, on the fabrics of my being, forever lingering on the labrynth my mind.

It's been ages since I've last written and surely, her chapter was never meant to be over nor she was not just a page in mine. She was everything to me, from the front hard cover, the bookmark, till the ending, the authors eloquent last line.

I've met her at the theater, and coincidentally, I consider film as a form of art, a great creative past time. In all honesty and with my nerves wracking I could barely eat my popcorn, because there was a goddess sitting right next to me, with all things considered, I just wanted to stop time.

I have waited for this moment, and truthfully waiting puts pain in time.
Alas she is freed from the underworld, her chains are now unbined.

Her wisdon, beauty and grace never changing only growing, her lips tinctured crimson, Just like the most elegant flowers in the garden of eden, and with such perfect timing, post haste arrived my dear Persephone, rightful queen of my heart, the goddess of spring time.

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