Tuesday, September 13, 2016



My first meeting with the goddess, and I do not know if she could remember but it occurred during a Halloween party. It was plain stares, followed by a small introduction. That was all there is too it.

I never dreamt that I would encounter the goddess ever again, until I came upon her beautiful visage while camping at the beach.

I was a weary traveler; I arrived at the stroke of midnight with only the campfire illuminating our reserved site. I scanned the surroundings to look for my sleeping quarters and besides my tent, there was a faint glow of light of someone who’s probably up tinkering about, reading or drawing perhaps in the late hours of the night.

As I awoke the next morning, I sat on one of the coolers and got some breakfast. An lo-behold, out from the illuminated tent from the night before, there she was this beauty. With the sunlight touching her skull jacket, covering her lovely face and then she smiled at me while she fixed her hair. There she was Persephone, our second meeting.

To my surprise, Persephone sat beside me as we reintroduced ourselves. She nibbled on a bit of breakfast and then I asked her if she played the guitar. She just smiled, nodded and grabbed the guitar and we played a couple of familiar tunes.

You see, Persephone was a bit of an odd-ball, a cute weirdo in plain definition. She explained that she belonged in the middle, between an introvert and an extrovert and that she prefers being home alone, secluded from the world and she would just settle for video games and that was fine for her.

As night drew closer, I was in a complete trance and I was trapped in a situation where I wanted to get closer to her like Icarus got way too close to the sun. My fate was sealed, despite the idea of being burned and plunging head first or should I say heart first? There was no escaping her. In those moments I was completely hers.

After a few drinks, Persephone was a bit loose. I do not know if she recalls all the details but I am your author, your Virgil as you may say, so let me pave the path into writing.

After a few small talks and wine in our bellies, Persephone held her chest and she asked me politely to walk with her on the beach. Concerned, I asked what was wrong and she replied that she experiences heart palpitations from time to time and she just needed to walk it off.

Next thing I knew, my heart was raising, why you ask? Because Persephone gently asked me if I could accompany her while holding her hand; now that is a question from her that I would never, in all my lifetimes and other lifetimes say no to.

We walked under the stars and we decided to sit upon the seashore. As the darkness engulfed the night sky, we both became invisible under the moon and the great constellations.

Persephone spoke of the stars, their meanings and what she believed in. She believed in a greater power and soul mates. She re-iterated the concept of infinite possibilities and in her belief that lovers were created as one and were split and separated only to find the other in another life or in a distant future.

On the back of my mind, I was wondering if she was my soulmate right there and then. But I knew that it could never be, for how can a goddess like her, fall for a mortal hopeless romantic man like me.

As we got back to our campfire, I knew she was not herself when she asked me to kiss her as she was leaning against my thigh and gently caressing my hand. I got to admit, it took all that I had in me not to do it, for even though Persephone was a goddess, she was also a lady.

The night was catching up to us and I knew fall was nearing its beautiful end. Persephone was back to her old self in the morning and there was a bit of awkwardness, as I had to explain to her what happened the night before.

She turned all red in the face, and she apologized with her quirky smile with a side of giggling and explained that she forgot half the details and she was not herself during the most recent events.

As fall was a few hours away,  nearing and I could feel winter knocking on our door, Persephone was more open and vulnerable. She told me that never should I fall for the likes of her, but the thing is I already fell, hard.

From my perception, Persephone was young and hurt. If only I possess the tools to repair her right there and then I would, but it was really up to her to find herself.

I enjoyed my last brief moments with Persephone, only consumed with lingering thoughts on when I would get to feel her warm hands and  gaze upon her quirky smile once again. Alas, one can only hope.

Fall has ended, thus the goddess Persephone had to take her leave and once again, become queen of the underworld until the seasons turn.

I, will wait for her.

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