Monday, July 8, 2013

Item 2 on 30 Things.

Number 2 on 30 Things

Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

I am afraid of the dark.
Yes, I admit it. I always have a night light turned on when I sleep.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away I use to adore the dark. But all that changed when I started watching horror movies such as “The Ring” and “The Grudge”. You see I have a very wild and crazy imagination and when the lights are all out my mind see’s and make up things that don’t exist. I even check under the blankets to make sure that no freaky Japanese ghost or any form of monster or meanie is waiting for me beneath the covers.
Fact: I can sleep with the lights out when I am next to someone as long as it’s not a ghost.

I am terrified of drowning.
I am super sorry, but you can’t count on me to save your life when we're trapped and drowning at sea, or otherwise we would both drown to death. I have nothing against the sea; in fact I adore the ocean. When I went up to Canada I learned how to drive a boat and I think I’ll be a pretty good fisherman because during the same day I caught a bucket full of fish with my uncles. But enough of that, bottom line is I never learned how to swim and I had a traumatic drowning experience. When I was about seven years old I was pretty brave and stupid so I went astray while swimming in the ocean. I stepped on a sharp sea shell, I panicked and took a few steps, last thing I knew I was drowning and clinging to dear life. Luckily my aunt was there to save me. From that day on, I threw curses at the sea. Oh and I think I swallowed a gallon of salt water and was throwing up like crazy.
Fact: I can swim straight in long strides and distances, but I don’t know how to do the floating egg beater leg thing.

I am afraid to die.
I tend to frown upon people when they say that they want to die a certain age that’s younger than 70 or the “die young” term. If it was up to me I would want to live forever. Life is too beautiful but at the same time too short and I dread that there is nothing after death except for boring silence. Knock on wood but I only had one near death experience. It was a car crash when I, my uncle and aunts and my grandma were driving up to Manaoag to have our vehicle blessed. We were sandwiched by two vans. Everything was so fast and at the same time also in slow motion, because I can literally see my eye glasses fly and I saw the particles of our windshield tear and scatter into smithereens. Our car was totally wrecked but so far only minor injuries and bruises. I sustained a bruised leg but I’m glad that everyone in my family was fine. I am a catholic, I do believe that there is a God, but I like the concept of Buddhism which is “reincarnation”. I do hope that there is life after death. If I was ever to be reincarnated I would like to be a tree, a turtle or a mountain and stand the test of time.

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