Monday, September 22, 2008

The WORLD (of warcraft)

big deal, so yeah i am a nerd! and yes i do play world of warcraft,why? because hells yeah its the most awesome game in the whole wide world and nothing can beat it! its addictive as hell and during my spare time (which i have a lot of since im still a student) even my two brothers are hooked on it! if your a gamer and you haven't tried out WOW then you are definitely missing out. I have been playing for almost 3 straight years now, and i don't think im ever gonna stop,lmao, by the way the new expansion is coming out so they say in November, so thats a think to look forward for! all your epics belong to me! woot!

here is a rock video of wow! i am murloc! hope you like it..

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