Hey peeps,
This is Vetkin/Conrad, and as of right now this has to be the toughest decision and saddest day of my online life. It was no easy task but I decided to part ways with my wow account due to personal reasons.
I know you guys know me on a high level, and I have that disgusted feeling in my stomach right now. I honestly don’t feel good about doing this. This decision is really hard because you guys know for a fact that I hate letting people down. You guys are my online family, you guys have been and will always be a huge part of my life and I love all of you.
I am really thankful for all the experience and I never regretted playing the game. As you all know I’m in college right now and the game kept me away from the troubles of college and it even got me through tough times because of all of your company and friendship. I would take a bullet for any of you and I mean that.
This decision wasn’t made because I was bored of the game, I still love it and the best part is spending it with the people you know and like. That’s why I tried to do my very best just to keep everyone happy, I even stepped out of my dps comfort zone and healed for a while because loot doesn’t really matter to me, I just like people progressing without any problems or dramas and of course having fun with the people I enjoy company with.
I need to part ways with the game cause I need to focus on real life obligations right now. I am taking a lot of summer classes and after that I will get in a medical program and be a fulltime student so that I can finish early and get a steady job.
Being around you guys made me a better person. I have learned a lot because there are so many of you who are very supportive and wonderful people. From Arthur and Jessica to Parker and Colleen: you guys really inspire me because you guys really set your priorities straight, FAMILY always comes first before wow. I am really proud of you guys and you guys are the coolest couples and parents that I know. When I have family of my own, I will model it after yours, always together and always having fun. You guys are the sweetest people I know and I really felt bad that I didn’t get a chance to meet you in RL when you guys came to blizzcon. To Dave who I consider my online uncle. I am very proud of your integrity and values, hopefully when I grow old I will possess as much wisdom and insight as you do so I will always see things in a positive way. To Cathleen, for being a really cool person to talk too and share opinions with. I have too much positive and great things about you guys and all the good words in the dictionary aren’t enough to show how much you guys mean to me and impacted my life. Hopefully everyone will understand my case cause I hate the thought that some people will feel upset or may view me as a selfish person for doing this. I wouldn’t trade the time I have spent with you guys for anything because I was really happy when you guys are around, just the conversations, jokes opinions and values are very enjoyable and I wouldn’t have it any other way. That’s why I have no reason of leaving for another guild, it’s all because of the people around me and I was really content with that. I wish the very best for everyone and I won’t forget each and every one of you.
The Old PTT and outside prolong peeps.
Don’t think that I forgot about you guys, I wouldn’t be playing this game without your friendship and camaraderie. Damien and Drake (Negusnegast and Prong) you guys were my online brothers, never had any arguments and we were always having fun. Thanks for getting me into the game and thanks for all the help and conversations that we had. Martello, Treetment, CanadianFBI, Ronnis,Mokoto and Doostok and Drakoda, you guys have been awesome, I remember all the times we raided and our crazy and sometimes drunk conversations, you guys are like my online frat brothers which made wow a whole lot fun. I could go on and on about the fun times that I’ve had with you guys but I don’t think it will fit in an entire word document.
Moving on to Prolong the Torment:
The best guild in Alexstrasza no doubt about it, I would like to thank each and every one of you for all the pleasantries and experience. If I didn’t mention your name don’t feel bad or offended because I know how each and every one of you contributed and stuck through thick and thin when things were falling apart. I am really happy about the fact that when things are looking grim, ptt was always able to pull through because of the positivity of the people who governs it. Arthur, my hats off to you for leading this guild and keeping things together, being a GM is hard task and you always handle things pretty well. To all the supporting peeps who guides and governs ptt, Artanisa, Gwydiongrey, Catlaw, Vanawesom, Azlen,Cobere, Skullscrape and many more, /salute to you guys and I bow in your presence. Like I said WoW is only worthwhile if you enjoy the company of peeps that you play with.
I can’t say that I haven’t shed a tear over this matter, I did. Just thinking about this made my chest hurt and stomach jittery. Please don’t be disappointed or betrayed by my actions. I am only doing this because I need to put everything in perspective and look at the big picture. I feel bad for not logging on and saying my goodbyes online, my reasoning is that it’s too tough for me and that I don’t want to deal with the emotional stress and I know that my conscience is going to kill me.That’s why I wrote this letter instead. I have too much stuff to be thankful for from you guys and I got to say that you guys are the coolest and nicest person that I met, and a lot of you are even better than some of my real life friends. You guys mean the world to me, so please understand and don’t be mad or frustrated at me for doing this.
I don’t know what to do with my account yet, with some research I found out that according to blizzards EULA is not truly illegal to sell or transfer ownership for your wow account as long as you give the transferee all the information, cd keys and manuals. but my biggest bet would be that I would sell it.I will drop by from time to time to say hi to you guys, I am uncertain about going back to wow, but if I ever do I still have another account that’s inactive so I’ll probably just get on that. I am looking forward to Diablo 3 and I know you guys are too. That I think I can handle with all this real life obligations. Hopefully there is an online component to it, so when it comes out we can all play together again.
Feel free to stay in contact with me as I will with you guys through myspace. My email address is conrad_incubus@yahoo.com and if you own a ps3 you can add me up my gamer id is conrads123. You can also follow me at www.conradincubus.blogspot.com if you guys are into blogs. I promise to keep in touch with you guys.
Well this is it for me and my wow days are over. I would like to give out my thanks again to everyone who made this game worthwhile and fun. You guys are my online family. I love you all and there will always be a special place for you guys in my heart. Please keep in touch guys. Everyone have fun, I love all of you and may you guys be showered with blessings.
Prolong the Torment Rocks.
Your fiery Mage, Vetkin
-Conrad Garan