Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Places to Visit: Solvang Danish Community

Ah, sorry for the late entries,i havent blogged for more than 4 months because of a busy school schedule. So at the moment i am browsing through my camera and looking for pictures to update d blog. Luckily i am finding the good ones

Places To Visit: Solvang Danish community
This place i got to say is uber awesome, although when we went there the place was swarming with tourists like us lol. but no wonder tourists go visit this place, it is so beautiful. Think of a town with a small population, where everyone knows each others names and you can safely walk the streets at night without the fear of being mugged or harassed. That's what Solvang is all about. From beautiful structures (yep there is a windmill) and from awesome restaurants this place is a must to visit. I actually wouldn't mind living here too.

Food for Thought! Yep this is a double whammy not only is this place beautiful but the food here is freaking awesome. We ate at Paula's Pancakes and i highly recommend that place. Move over Denny's Slam Meals, cause Paula's the new cook in town. I just ordered a meal of pancakes with a choice of bacon or sausage. Note: I am not a big fan of sausage so of course i went with the ever delicious bacon! which i got to say was the bomb, also that their pancakes are off the charts! best pancakes i have ever tasted in my life i swear.

Paula's Heavenly Pancakes

All in all it was a good experience not just because the place and the food was great but when i went there most of my cousins in my dad's side was with me during the whole trip and everone was having a good time. Downtown with tito Don, ate sabrina and conrad.Pancake Power with third, conrad and kuya caloy. Sitting with the cousin crew. Chow time with the cousins. Conrad at a Coffee Shop (inside is the famous Ginger Bread House). Solvang's Tourist Center.The cousins.

Conrad at Solvang.

On a side note i just took this picture because i thought it was hilarous. Their bank name is Rabobank which sounds like Rob A Bank. Duh!

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