Monday, May 25, 2009

Physiology After Party!

I got to say, that was one of the best science classes that i took. Even though its hard and the professor is new it rocked. Met a bunch of people who share the same field as me and i made a few buddies. First off the our professor Dr. Lorenz is the awesome, some peeps dont like his teaching style but its not him the subject is really hard, even without study guides and what not, if you know the stuff read your books and pay attention its a fairly average class in terms of easiness. I like the professor because like me, he likes rock alternative and grunge. One time i bought my guitar to class and to my amazement he played some blues. Also like mentioned i met some awesome friends which were my lab partners in class, michelle and amrit rocks! they made the class fun and the long hours seems quicker with them. We always joke around and make fun of people and we plan on hanging out this summer.

To top it off, after the finals our professor treated us at a nearby shakey's with TONS of pizza, chicken, mojos and of course beer, only during the after did i realize that even though this class is hard im going to miss it badly because of the company and kewlness of the people i hangged out with! see you guys around campus!
Dr. Lorenz, Michealle, Me and Amrit

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