Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This is College, Deal with it.

Let me start by simply saying that I am a pacifist. I tend to shy away from conflicts and avoid quarrels as much as possible. So, to some of you, I announce my apologies in advance because this entry is an angry one. Angry nonetheless true and I just had about enough, that I felt obliged to say something and stand up not only for myself but also for my dearly beloved friends, so here we go.

If you are reading this, welcome to college,

College is a place of brilliant minds, different influences and backgrounds and of course a mix of different personalities. The key word in College for me is probably “Adaptation”. You need to adapt with your surroundings and peers to survive, with that said, us being in college is “Survival of the Fittest”. It’s a dog eat dog world out there for you; that is the main reason why in college you find the people that are most loyal and most true to you to survive and flourish.

Seriously, would you put a cat and a mouse together in the same room? That would be dumb as hell. That’s why there is such a thing called “freedom of choice” and we are all blessed with it. In college or what not, you are free to choose to whomever you want to stick with. Be it the alcoholics, the girl next door, the nerds, the smokers the rocket scientist, the mathematicians and my personal favorite the rockers. You decide your own fate it is not dealt for you, that’s the beauty of it.

I admit sometimes, I am too quick to judge. I am only human and I also make mistakes like all of you. I find it really interesting that people from day one that seems to be best friends forever end up as enemies in the end. That people whom you share your deepest and darkest secrets ends up as the ones stabbing you in the back. Seriously, can you live with that? How stupid can you be? I pity you if you stick with those people. You only live once, but you can correct your mistakes, so I say to you, choose your friends wisely, and trust me in the end it will all be worth it.

In contrast to what I am saying and in connection with our major which is “nursing”, we need to confine and we are forced to work as a cell or as a unit. This is where conflict arises. Some people can’t deal with the fact that they are in the same group with the people that they hate, people are elected as leaders and most of the time, well almost all of the time members expects the leaders to do everything and vice versa. I admit that I am guilty of this crime, but so are all of us and we all know it.

Immaturity also comes along with college. It is inevitable. I am 24 years old and I have done my share of immature things and I’ve learned from it. Although occasionally I still do a bunch of immature things. In my opinion some people are still too young to handle the pressures of college. Jealousy, envy and the other bad vices comes along with the territory. I actually feel really disappointed with immature posts on facebook and I don’t think it’s funny at all. The negativity that comes out of it disgusts me. But hey, for what it’s worth, you can easily identify the immature ones. The ones that you need to avoid for obvious reasons. That when shit blows up and your alliance and friendship with those sorts of people, go down the toilet, you’re definitely sure that they are the ones who’ll update their status in facebook and stab you in the back. So if you have friends like this you should think things through. I have encountered many of these and I did not react, but when it comes to my true friends and my tipping point, believe me I can raise hell and plenty of it.

I also have been labeled “Kill Joy”. I’m alright with that label. What’s the reasoning? I have found the circle of friends that I belong too. It’s really funny but you can correlate this with love. In love, you don’t have to please everyone around you; the only important thing is that you please the one that you love and that you are both happy. That’s the reason why I have a care free mentality. I know that I don’t have to please everyone; I only need to please the people that I love and trust. The same idea applies to events and gatherings; you don’t have to invite everyone if it’s a private event, that’s why it’s PRIVATE. I wonder why sometimes people react in such harsh ways. Obviously a 12 slice pizza won’t fill 24 bellies, so why invite 24 when you can have the 12 satisfied and full. Sorry but I don’t have the money to buy all of you pizza, and I am not in the business of satisfying and keeping everyone full. It’ doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure this out. Like all of us, I am bias, but ONLY of course to my true friends, the ones that respect me as I respect them back. If you grasp the concept it’s actually quite easy to understand.

Still, I apologize to those who are offended by this post, but I thank you for reading it. If you have that angry immature backstabbing look on your face right now, and if you want to post an angry status messages that is intended for me or delete me on your friends list, go on right ahead. In fact I welcome you to do so. I am not scared of you, I have tons and tons of friends whom I know for sure will back me up. With your attitude I doubt that you have the same set of friends who will do the same for you. Everyone lets all grow up.

Re-think things through if you really belong in college,

Your brutally honest college friend,


Friday, March 18, 2011

LOVE, In Due Time..

Ah LOVE...
it is a topic that I rarely blog about. Probably because, coming from a guy it might seem cheesy LOL! but tonight I just have to get this out of my head and put my thoughts into writing so here we go.

Love is purely magic, and I can say that by experience. The feeling of having someone who's always there for you, checks up on you when you wake, someone who makes sure that you have eaten your breakfast lunch and dinner and that someone who wishes you a warm blanket and a sweet sleep goodnight, I am all for it, but seems luck on the love department hasn't shined one me for as long as I can remember but no matter, for tonight I was inspired not by a crush or some pretty lady but one of my professors from my college.

This professor used to be so up-tight, and everyone feared her. I remember in our first semester, I almost got into an argument during the first days of schools because I did not attend a somewhat tour and an over view of our college. We were a noisy bunch, but somehow when she's the prof. everyone seems to be on their best behavior. No one joked around, everyone avoided absences or being late because we all knew the consequences of her fury.

Alas,then came LOVE.
After surviving the first semester, I thought that she was a pretty darn good professor but, I still had that fear installed in me whenever I see her. Nonetheless things changed and she lightened up. We can now talk to her in a friendly manner and throw jokes around and it is very visible that her aura is bright and her smiles are warm. To cut the story short she found true love and she is getting hitched tomorrow :)

We had our last class with her tonight, she sang and gave advice, which I admit, I shed a tear. It was very heart warming, the effects of love and what it can do to someone, that is purely magic!

Love is a weird thing. Sometimes people have it so good, but in the end they still ending up hurting and loosing each other. Love doesn't come with "Forever" and "Satisfaction Guaranteed" it comes with hurdles and problems but it also comes with teamwork, sacrifice and most importantly trust.

In contrast some people have it so wrong, not realizing the essence of true love. People with the mentality that there are no better ones out there for them. The ones who think that if they leave the person who made them look like fools and hurt them, they'll end up alone and miserable. Don't be naive! Wake Up and smell the coffee! There is too much love out there waiting for you and you deserve someone worth it and much much better.

So the saying goes that: just wait for love and it will come and find you: that theory probably worked for my professor, because love has seized her. But does that thought apply to those people who are tired of waiting for love? Should we go out and jump head first to find "the one"? that I don't have the answer to and that's a mystery that even I don't think scooby-doo can and his gang could solve. That's the beauty and mystery of love, it just hits you, you go blind.

I don't know if this post will ever reach her, Im scared of the thought of what she might say after she reads this, but I wish her all the blessings and love in the world because she truly deserves every bit of it.

In fact it's not only her who deserves it but also for the ones who haven't forgotten the meaning of true love. KUDOS!

your hopeless romantic,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Value of Amber.

or lack thereof.

I have been slacking and I have a lot of things on my mind. The stress of school and the scheduling gets to me. So when I get home, I head straight to bed for a 2 hour nap or longer. When I wake up, I have to do school work and beat deadlines and with all that, my "Tambay" or hang-out time with my friends have been cut short.I barely have time to do chores and clean my room because I only get Sundays off. My my my...Irresponsible I have become. :|

But you changed me,
having you, I have a whole new sense of what responsibility is about. Again I have learned the value of time management. You are actually the one who fixed my insomnia problem because I know that in the morning I have to wake up early to fix your food. That I have to keep my room tidy because I know share it with a baby. That I have to call someone to prepare lunch for you whenever I'm not around. You are also the reason for my extra energy. Before, I always look forward to my afternoon naps, but now after school, I am pretty giddy and excited to go home so I can play with you and give you treats. When night time arrives, I enjoy our walks under the moonlight and the cool breeze. My barkada also fancies you and it seems that our "Tambay" ain't complete without you. When sleep calls, I love how you jump into my bed, cuddle and cozy up under my feet or beside me and sleep under the warmth of my blanket. Although you are a huge responsibility, the joys you give me are priceless and never ending.

Despite the pee's and the poop it's Amazing what a puppy can do to you.
Whoever said that you can't buy happiness forgot about puppies :)

there is. :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011


It's obvious that im a dog lover.
Ever since I was little, we had dogs in the family. So I always dread on getting a dog even if I can't. But opportunity came knocking and there I was ready to answer. So being a college student again and knowing that it will take a while to finish, I grew bored of the same old dull routine. Thus I thought to myself that I needed a companion to chase away the blues, and like an epiphany an idea popped, what else should I get than the ultimate man's best friend = a puppy.

Back in California, when me and my brothers use to hang out at the park. We always talk about the dogs that we wanted because we always see a bunch of people walking their dogs. We all agreed, even my dad wants a big dog. The German Shepherds, Labrador Retrievers the ones that can protect you from home invaders and something that will keep you safe while your jogging. Something that says "stay away from my master or I'll bite you freaking head off" those kinds of dogs. We tend to not notice the small or toy breed, the chihuahuas and what not. Before I pity those dogs because although they look cute, they become bag accessories, sort of like key chains but with fur LMAO.

At first I was hesitant to get a mini pinscher. It's a toy breed and it is labeled as "the king of toys" wikipedia checked. It looks like a mini doberman, if you're not familiar with dog breeds, think about those resident evil zombie dogs but miniature scale :) that should do the trick. I am a labrador retriever lover and the movie Marley & Me just had a soft spot in my heart. Then I saw AMBER and everything changed.

She was so tiny that she was literally in a Zesto Box and the box was literally bigger than her. When I lifted her from the Zesto box, she was no bigger than my hand. She was sleeping, the lift woke her up, when she looked at me with those bulging round puppy eyes, I just couldn't say NO and from that point on I was an instant Daddy :)

the calm before the storm...

Back to writing...
and yes I've missed it. I have many unwritten thoughts stuck in my head and a bunch opinions that I need to voice out. I did not get writers block this time, but Instead I got so busy and lazy at the same time. Busy meaning I have school from Mondays to Saturdays so my only time off is Sunday which is ridden with school work. Sometimes I feel so tired that the days goes by so fast that I don't even notice that it's already Sunday, my one and only day off, but hey that's the good thing about being busy right? Also I got a puppy, which first I didn't think was a full time job, but my oh my to my surprise I have turned into a full time daddy. Then comes lazy... after school I just head straight home, feed my puppy and nap for 2 hours, im drained but good. I have a lot of activities going on right now, It's almost the end of the second semester and I can't wait for my two week break. WRITING, oh how I love and missed you. You are my form of escape from the never ending busy and the doom impending lazy that lurks around me, thus I go back to you :) be on the look out, for a storm is brewing in my head ;)