Saturday, March 5, 2011

the calm before the storm...

Back to writing...
and yes I've missed it. I have many unwritten thoughts stuck in my head and a bunch opinions that I need to voice out. I did not get writers block this time, but Instead I got so busy and lazy at the same time. Busy meaning I have school from Mondays to Saturdays so my only time off is Sunday which is ridden with school work. Sometimes I feel so tired that the days goes by so fast that I don't even notice that it's already Sunday, my one and only day off, but hey that's the good thing about being busy right? Also I got a puppy, which first I didn't think was a full time job, but my oh my to my surprise I have turned into a full time daddy. Then comes lazy... after school I just head straight home, feed my puppy and nap for 2 hours, im drained but good. I have a lot of activities going on right now, It's almost the end of the second semester and I can't wait for my two week break. WRITING, oh how I love and missed you. You are my form of escape from the never ending busy and the doom impending lazy that lurks around me, thus I go back to you :) be on the look out, for a storm is brewing in my head ;)

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