Sunday, April 11, 2010


spent some time with some of my M27 cousins, just chillaxing, sharing stories, and lastly comparing and contrasting on how old we are lol. I remember the days when we use to have snot on our noses, playing with legos and what ever toys that we have, playing bahay-bahayan, those were indeed good times.

Now time seems to fly. Our topics move from toys to marriage, family, career, love and all that's in between. Even with problems, our transitions in life are very smooth because of the love, care and support that we get from each other. I miss my cousins in the USA and Canada, can't wait till December to see most of them =)I love my cousins like they are my brothers and sisters, all 27 of them and I would not trade them for anything in the world.

1 comment:

Tres said...

aww, kuya con! :D