Sunday, April 25, 2010


Stillness, the quiet or the calm whatever you want to call it, I am a fan of that.
After the noises and troubles that have burdened my life, I found a steady ground.
It's not meditation, but a state of comfort were everything slows down.
You can actually hear the wind singing and see the leaves dancing when you remain still.

Still, you caught me by surprise, my nirvana mode shattered upon meeting your delicate eyes.
I was caught off guard by your wit and your beauty and I didn't know that the shattering busy could be so pretty.
On the outside, I was still as a swan swimming in a serene lake, staring at you like you're a beautiful sunset on a warm summer day.
But on the inside was different, everything was turning. It may seem like I am a still swan, but my feet are actually shaking trying to keep calm as they keep on churning.

My stillness was shattered and replaced by busy.
Still: would you rather have a dusty guitar which only serves as an ornament?
Busy: rather have someone playing and strumming it and the enjoyment of beautiful notes that comes from the fluent and graceful movement of the slightest touch of the strings.

I think I would rather have Busy...

but still, my stillness will always be intact, for one day you may also learn to see the beauty in quiet.
when your world gets too busy, hectic and crazy, the calm will be there for you to slow everything down, bring you at peace and make sure that no trouble or hurt can come to you if you just remain still.

(First time writing something like this, dedicated to the lady who actually read my blog)

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