Sunday, April 25, 2010


You were right after all. You are not the sun instead you are the moon.
Beautiful to look at but shrouded and still covered with mysteries.
Yet I am only human and forgive me if I fell too fast, but is it my fault?

Together with insomnia, you are my only companion on cold nights.
Your light illuminates the beauty of the unseen which intrigues me to look at you more and more
You not only pull the tides, you also pulled my heart with your insightful moonlit glow.

I should have followed the very first astronaut, I don't believe that it was gravity that caused those slow motion steps, instead I believe that it was his soul acting on its own accord, taking baby steps, careful not to step on the privacy of your soul, slowly but surely discovering and taking his time while basking in your glow and at the same time still unsure about the mysteries that surrounds him, taking short breaths slowly and letting it all set in piece by piece.

I apologize, now like the astronaut but without the zooming rocket ship. I am handicapped with only a telescope in hand. I realized that a telescope is enough for now, I will wait every night and take my time to discover the secrets that you keep. In time I will slowly put together a rocket ship so that one day I can fly, and hopefully if you let me, share a walk with you, hand in hand staring at the heavens.

(couldn't sleep so I'll put my thoughts into writing, this is for the girl who reminded me to just breath :D thank you)

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