On September 26,2009 a Brutal Storm hit the Philippines. In one day a months rain has poured down from the heavens and unleashed its fury on my old home. I am thankful that most of my friends and relatives are not harmed during the storm although some of them were affected by the storm greatly. Everyone of them are okay now, but most of them lost a lot of precious belongings which they couldn't save due to the flooding. Still just being alive, is the best thing that you can be thankful for.

The storm wasn't so pleasant to everyone though. A lot of people lost their houses, have no food to eat, and worst of all lost their lives because of this unprecedented natural disaster.
Who to blame?
in every situation it is only natural to point fingers, i don't want to get to political but the Philippine government could have done a better job of at least averting the damage. I know its a natural disaster, but still prevention was lacking when in fact it could be present in the unfortunate situation. The corrupt officials who have been stealing money from the Filipino people in order to benefit their lives, cars, women gambling and the lavish lifestyle that you fuckers live, while your fellow country men suffer in poverty. I hope every last one of those corrupt bastards burn in hell. There is an upcoming election, voters choose wisely, don't let showbiz dictate the hype on who you should vote for, don't base it on fame or money, base it on someone who has compassion towards one common interest, making the country better and safer. I apologize for the nasty language but it is necessary.

Also when you point the finger to someone or anything, realize that your 3 other fingers are pointing at you. We are also to blame for the calamity that happened. No offense to anyone, but a lot of people in our country are very undisciplined. Smoke belching, illegal loggers, polluters and littering are the major cause of the flooding. I hate it when i see people littering, after eating, smoking or drinking what not they just throw their garbage in the streets and sewers, common people this is our home, do you put garbage inside your own house? i don't think so! These are the causes of the flooding, blocked drainage and sewer systems because of the garbage that undisciplined people throw wherever. Now look what it caused us: Death.
This is a wake up call to all of you Filipino's, heck even none Filipino's know this, if you don't get the concept your a fucking moron. The disasters happening around the past years and recently now have been unprecedented. Global Warming? definitely, is mother nature pissed at us? Check! Change your ways people, Planet Earth is our home, and trust me, nobody ever wants to get kicked out of their home, so be disciplined and do whats right not only for you but for everyone as a whole.
My thoughts and prayers to everyone back home...