Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wave of Mutilation Hits the Philippines!

Very sad and disappointed here about what happened to my home...
On September 26,2009 a Brutal Storm hit the Philippines. In one day a months rain has poured down from the heavens and unleashed its fury on my old home. I am thankful that most of my friends and relatives are not harmed during the storm although some of them were affected by the storm greatly. Everyone of them are okay now, but most of them lost a lot of precious belongings which they couldn't save due to the flooding. Still just being alive, is the best thing that you can be thankful for.

The storm wasn't so pleasant to everyone though. A lot of people lost their houses, have no food to eat, and worst of all lost their lives because of this unprecedented natural disaster.

Who to blame?
in every situation it is only natural to point fingers, i don't want to get to political but the Philippine government could have done a better job of at least averting the damage. I know its a natural disaster, but still prevention was lacking when in fact it could be present in the unfortunate situation. The corrupt officials who have been stealing money from the Filipino people in order to benefit their lives, cars, women gambling and the lavish lifestyle that you fuckers live, while your fellow country men suffer in poverty. I hope every last one of those corrupt bastards burn in hell. There is an upcoming election, voters choose wisely, don't let showbiz dictate the hype on who you should vote for, don't base it on fame or money, base it on someone who has compassion towards one common interest, making the country better and safer. I apologize for the nasty language but it is necessary.

Also when you point the finger to someone or anything, realize that your 3 other fingers are pointing at you. We are also to blame for the calamity that happened. No offense to anyone, but a lot of people in our country are very undisciplined. Smoke belching, illegal loggers, polluters and littering are the major cause of the flooding. I hate it when i see people littering, after eating, smoking or drinking what not they just throw their garbage in the streets and sewers, common people this is our home, do you put garbage inside your own house? i don't think so! These are the causes of the flooding, blocked drainage and sewer systems because of the garbage that undisciplined people throw wherever. Now look what it caused us: Death.

This is a wake up call to all of you Filipino's, heck even none Filipino's know this, if you don't get the concept your a fucking moron. The disasters happening around the past years and recently now have been unprecedented. Global Warming? definitely, is mother nature pissed at us? Check! Change your ways people, Planet Earth is our home, and trust me, nobody ever wants to get kicked out of their home, so be disciplined and do whats right not only for you but for everyone as a whole.

My thoughts and prayers to everyone back home...

Friday, September 25, 2009

From Perfect to Dead Awful

Have you ever had on of those days?
1. Where everything goes great... you had a good nights sleep. You wake up and eat your favorite strawberry cereals. You take a shower and the soap and shampoo somehow smells extra nice. You head to school and the weather is perfect not too hot not too cold no need to turn the AC on. While driving all the lights are green, you switch on the radio and all the good songs are played. you go to class and your professor looks extra cute and you can understand and pay attention to the lecture well. you head home and a nice warm lunch is waiting for you. you run and workout in the afternoon, put your ipod into shuffle mode and still all the great songs are read a few chapters of your favorite book, catch up with an old friend on facebook then head for a good night's sleep.


Then Comes the Dreadful Part...

2. You wake up with a headache and it's to early and you cant go back to sleep with because of the horrid heat. You ran out of milk for your strawberry cereal breakfast. you take a shower and the conditioner is all out. You leave for school and you keep stopping at a red light. You have to turn on the AC because of the stupid horrible heat and when you flip on the radio all you hear are pop and emo songs. you get your micro biology lab and you get 3 wrong activities in a row. your lab buddy accidentally spilled a stain solution that doesn't come off easily in your arm and you had to stay the 3 full hours in lab. your leaving the college parking lot, while some asshole jerk face cuts you off and you almost got into a pretty close accident. you get home and you don't like the food, you want to work out but your feet is too sore from running for the past 3 days, then you find out that your in big trouble because your overseas calls got way overboard and i mean way way overboard. you cant concentrate and can't sleep then comes your bff insomnia calling, and your whole day is screwed.

Awful and Ugly.....

guess that's just the transition of life, or it's like one of those lines "which news do you want to hear first? the good news or the bad news" or maybe its just bad decisions on my part, oh well got to live with it. Things will eventually get better right?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Silent Sundays and Park Person

I love Sunday's. I think it's the best day of the week, because you have to do everything you enjoy before Monday hits and you come back again to the reality of school and work. Sunday's i always feel so restful and somehow at peace with everything, it's basically the day were everything slows down for me, (as if my days could be more slow lol).

Were do I spend my Sundays? in order the cancel out the isolation of house noise, tv noise, video game noise or whatever noise there is, I spend my Sunday's on parks. For most American's, they probably just take the parks here for granted. I am not saying this in a bad way but the community here and the Philippines were I grew up are very different. Here parks are every where, around the schools and the neighborhoods. While in the Philippines there are rarely parks or in some cases no parks at all. People just keep building and building malls and malls everywhere. Every year there seems to be a new mall popping out of every city and it seriously annoys me. Maybe it's just me but i love peace and quiet, and any day at the mall with shoppers and annoying crowds, i would trade it to just spend a nice walk on a park. Feeling the light warmth of the sun, the cool breeze on my face,the swaying of the trees. The park's peaceful environment is a sanctuary for me. I usually just sit there on a bench or under a tree and drink boba, now that's what you call a perfect Sunday.

Across the Universe! =)

Insomnia sure do have its benefits.
So i have been playing The Beatles Rock band all day, and yep i love the Beatles. Tonight insomnia won again, im stuck here with nothing to do so i decided to watch a movie, which is, you guessed it "Across The Universe". The film came out October 2007, it is a musical and yep musicals are a no no for me, but i can't believed that i missed this film. Yes, i am declaring it, this is for me the number one film of all time, and jesus its a musical for god sakes. i think i didn't even blink when i watched this film. Now being an avid Beatles fan, the film couldn't have done a more perfectly transition of the sequence of their song and the scenes in the film. I was in love with this film from the beginning till the end and i could watch this over and over again. The sequences of the scenes in the film just transcends and brings out the beauty of the Beatles songs that were covered and every moment was trippy in a good way. I bet you that if George and John Lennon were alive today, they would be very proud of this movie. they ensemble was also excellent in this film and they couldn't have assembled a better cast. From the protagonist Jude (Hey Jude) who reminded me of the Gallagher brothers because of his look and accent from one of my favorite bands ever Oasis, to the smoking hot leading lady of the film Rachel Evan Wood aka Lucy (Lucy in the sky with diamonds) who i am a big fan of because she is the vampire queen of Louisiana in True Blood, hotness at its best. The other cast members were awesome too, to the depressed little asian girl named Prudence(Dear Prudence) i was having a discussion earlier with my brother to name his child Prudence, lol i think i might steal the name. The only draw back of this film for me was that it had some freaky parts, which i got to admit got me good, you'll find out what im talking about when you see the film for yourself, or maybe its just me but i have a phobia about asian undead women because of the asian horror films. The film is also long, but hey if they put everyone of the Beatles song in there, i don't care how long it is, i will finish it till the end that's how i love this film. 10/10, perfect rating. Beatles Rock Band all day tomorrow. =)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Home Sick!

Indeed I am.
Maybe that's the source of stress that's resulting to major insomnia. That im thinking about home too much.

I miss my old house. Its not that big but its cozy and i wouldn't have it any other way. I miss my room and my sega dream cast, and all the stacks of toys and games that me and my brothers use to play with. Legos and action figures the works.

I miss guss, my wonderful dog and my favorite playmate. I remember the times when i use guss to fend of my kid enemies, those were indeed great memories.

I miss my friends. you see i have two set of friends, the one who i grew up with "the palku's" as they label us and my school friends mainly from Guadalupe Catholic School. From all the craziness of "Tambay" which means hanging out with your buddies, usually filled with stories food and drinking, and in which "tambay" can happen at anytime of the day and the craziness of high school, the pranks, the chicks and all thats in between, the memories are still fresh in my head like it just happened yesterday.

I miss the food. My Nanay Emma makes the best Menudo, Tocino, you name it all the Filipino dishes she can cook it at 100%

I miss taking showers in the rain or when there is a storm out with my friends and just playing outside the rain, it feels so great.

Would love to be a kid again, but hey hopefully soon i'm going home and i would get to do all these things again...

Camping should Rock!

Yes Sir, I am a noob at camping. Why? because this is the first time ever that i am going to sleep in the wilderness for 2 nights and 3 days and good god i am excited as hell. My camping trip will be on 2nd of October to the 4th. It's actually a Geography Class Camping, so im going to be with a bunch of people. Im sharing a tent with a friend of mine, and im already planning my ration and supplies for the trip. Hopefully i can survive with Chex Mix, Granola bars and string cheese alone. Noob VS. Wild. Can't Wait!

Guilty Anime Pleasure!

Yep, im that big of a nerd. As a child i was born on Anime. Voltes 5 was my first anime, and yuyu hakusho was the one that got me hooked in watching a whole series of it. Now that The Office and True Blood is off the cube for a while, i have nothing to watch so im quite bored. Well off to my guilty pleasure: I stopped watching anime for a while since im having too much fun this summer, i only anticipate reading the Naruto Manga every week and besides the anime they show is lagging really bad behind the Manga. Boredom kills so i guess i need to catch up on bleach, at least insomnia has its use.

The Beatles Rock Band ps3 Review!

Fan of the Fab Four? I was not before, but now I am. Growing up in the 90's, my mind was only filled with alternative rock, we got nirvana, oasis, semisonic, third eye blind and i could give you a never ending list. To be honest the only Beatle im familiar with is John Lennon, because before my mom would play "Let it Be" non-stop. Other than that Beatlemania points for me. Upon learning guitar i picked up on their music. Learning to play "Blackbird" was a delight for me. Also my Uncle's on my mom's side used to be rockers and they follow the Beatles heavily.

Moving on to the game:
The game rocks, i never knew that their songs were so easy to sing and memorize, and the lyrics are quite quirky and fun, "I am the egg man" wtf is that all about. Anyways the game made me into an instant Beatle Fan and now my favorite Beatle is Ringo Starr and his awesome mustache lol. Rock Band is awesome because of your ability to form a so called band with your friends and family. Sometimes while i play the drums, my brothers plays the guitars and my mom plays the vocals, and yep i couldn't believe it by my mom knows all the Beatles songs. This game definitely turned it around for me, now i have downloaded all their songs and im trying to memorize the lyrics. This game gets a 9 out of 10 because who knew Beatles mania is easy to pick up even for the oldies and yes they are the best band in the world.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What Dog Should I Get?

I am a dog lover. Since i was a kid i love puppies and i had a bunch of dogs as pets. Now i have this dilemma on what is the perfect dog to keep as a house dog. One that could just stay in the house and keep me company. One that i could take for walks when i am not busy, hopefully teach some tricks and just play around with. So here are my best 2 choices:

1.Japanese Spitz: My very first dog was a Japanese Spitz named Guss. his name is reference to the movie "iron will" and its about dog sled racing. He was my bestest friend when i was growing up. I love his pure white fur and the fact that he looks like a wolf is a plus. Sadly when Guss departed for dog heaven i was stricken. It was my first heart break. Anyways he was a good dog, so im considering getting another Japanese Spitz. The Upside is that they are very loving of their masters, quite playful and they don't grow that big. The downside is that they bark a lot at strangers, although they easily get accustomed with that stranger as long as they see that their master is friends with that person. The downside is their long white fur and the continuous shedding.

2.Labrador Retriever: I used to have a Labrador retriever. Although i only spent 3 months with my lab as a puppy, those 3 months were simply enough to convince me to fall in love with the breed. My lab's name was Cindy, as reference to the Filipina Actress "Cindy Kurleto". My lab was a darling with her cute puppy eyes and her playful nature. My experience with this breed is that they are very friendly. My lab got accustomed easily to all my family members as well as my friends. Also i remember that it took her a while to learn how to climb and get down from the stairs, but when she mastered it, it was a joy for me to see. I have just recently watched the movie a "Marley and Me" and i was sobbing at the end of the movie, lol. I am a big fan of the breed and wouldn't mind getting another lab. The upside is that labs are very friendly, adorable and easy to train. What i consider to be their downside is that they are medium sized dogs but they grow quite big and that they also require a lot of exercise.

Those are basically my two choices, either which breed i choose im sure its going to be awesome! Dogs Rule!

The Estuary!

For my Geography Lab class, a requirement is to visit the Peter and Mary Muth Interpretive Center down in New Port Beach, CA. I recently took a trip there with my environmental club buddy Shauna, and we did some digging around and some research work. I was surprised because the center was a mini museum with lots of factoids about the estuary and how it came to be. There is a lot of interesting exhibits about wild life and plants that inhabit the area. The estuary itself is a beauty. I am so glad that some people really really do work hard and dedicate the time to the preservation of nature. Kudos to these people! Raise awareness and protect the beauty of the earth and all its creatures. YAY!

The Haunted Queen Mary?

So us cousins, Me, Mike, Ian and Kuya Chris decided to take a ghostly journey and explore the bowels of the supposedly haunted Queen Mary Ship, We grabbed our area map and did the self-guided tour. As we walked the isles of the Queen Mary, i found a bunch of places to be a bit creepy. For once the isolation ward, which used to be a room where they perform operations and keep all the supposedly crazy people. After our self guided tour, we went on too see the guided ghost encounters tour, in which the tour guide takes you around the most haunted parts of the ship and there he explains the horrors that happens in that particular place followed by cheesy special effects. The Tour guide took us down to the First Class Swimming pool, which i got to admit freaked me out, the setting and the fog makes it oh so scary, then he took us to the boiler room, which was also freaky because you can see all the old equipment and the tour guide also mentioned that person died by being decapitated by one of the steel doors. Lastly we ended the tour by visiting the bow of the Queen Mary, where in one incident the Queen Mary accidentally hit another ship during WW2 and had caused the life of 300 or so people, pretty horrific if you ask me. Overall it was a fun experience for me, i love scary stuff although i wasn't convinced that the Queen Mary was haunted. Maybe in the future i would love to go do the night exploration thing, where its all lights out and you have a psychic with you exploring for ghostly activities, that would be neat!

After our Queen Mary trip my cousin Ian took us to the Crystal Cathedral. Which is basically a place of prayer and worship and all religion is welcome. It was pretty neat and the Crystal Cathedral itself, surrounded by Statues were a sight to see.

Food Food Food!

Summer + Hanging out with your Cousins = Eating a bunch of food! yep, summer is food coma time, when my cousin Chris got here we ate a bunch of stuff! First off we stopped by Jollibee the Filipino King of Fast, had some chicken joy, burger steak, jolly spaghetti and the works. After those things settled in our stomachs, we watched "The Ugly Truth" and next to the Cinema was the best burger in California and i could say that it's the best burger in the world: IN and Out Burgers! me and chris had 2 double doubles each! after that meal i couldn't eat another burger for a month or two lol. On the Next day we headed to a local Thai BBQ place, its also the first time that i have eaten there, and what do you know the food was off the charts, their thai milk tea was the uber awesome, the ribs were fall of the bone and the fried rice was simply scrumptious. Lastly my cousin introduced me to pink berry which was a yogurt place, and being a fan of yogurt i was eager to try it out. My pink berry contained captain crunch and mocchi which i think was the best desert i ever had. To top the day off i used my environmentalist club powers and met the chick who was working on pink berry that day, her name was ruby and who knew she was also an environmentalist like me! Tree Huggers FTW! rock! Good Times!

Korean BBQ and Karaoke!

Im hooked and i love food. To be honest this is the first time that i have eaten in a Korean BBQ buffet and it was awesome. I didn't know that you were supposed to cook your own meal. I picked a bunch of meat and sea food (octopus) for my plate, and our designated cook was my cousin chris and my cousin in law christine =). The food was great, from their brown rice and the varieties of different lean meat. The only thing that i did not eat was the kimchi, like i said im not a big fan of anything vegetable. After we had some Boba at a Korean Place or as my cousin calls it K-Town lol. Lastly we headed to a Korean Karaoke Place and we sang a bunch of songs, duets and tamborines, i had a blast! I love culture clash!

Summer Drinking...

I am not an alcoholic, lol and since my trip to Canada, I vowed to never drink again because of my workout plan. I only drink on occasions and with close friends and cousins. Two of my aunts celebrated their birthday together and it was awesome. The food and the music was great and it was a long time since i last hanged out with my cousins on my dads side. We spent the whole day eating and playing ping-pong while the party was going on. It wasn't until late in the evening when my cousins turned on the BBQ and my Ate Lei brought out her home made spinach dip which i guarantee is the best spinach dip on the world, that's when the beer came in, i got to admit the beer really worked well with the spinach dip so i drank a bunch, also the jello shots were awesome. Good times!