Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bye Bye Best Summer!

Ahhhhh, it feels like years since i last blogged, and yes i was feeling to lazy to write about anything, pretty occupied with school and working out right now, so blogging comes last on my list. Summer is almost gone, and i got to admit that this is the first time that i am going to miss summer. Seriously i hate summer and i would rather have cold and gloomy weather all day long, but this summer has got to be one of the most special and memorable summer of my life because i spent it with family, cousins and the people that i love. Now winter is fast approaching, i can feel the morning cold creeping up, the shivering and the beautiful morning fog, gloom doom and dark weather ahead, im going to miss the sunshine and the smiles, so as a tribute to summer, im gonna write about all the fun stuff that i did! Rock!

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