I love Sunday's. I think it's the best day of the week, because you have to do everything you enjoy before Monday hits and you come back again to the reality of school and work. Sunday's i always feel so restful and somehow at peace with everything, it's basically the day were everything slows down for me, (as if my days could be more slow lol).
Were do I spend my Sundays? in order the cancel out the isolation of house noise, tv noise, video game noise or whatever noise there is, I spend my Sunday's on parks. For most American's, they probably just take the parks here for granted. I am not saying this in a bad way but the community here and the Philippines were I grew up are very different. Here parks are every where, around the schools and the neighborhoods. While in the Philippines there are rarely parks or in some cases no parks at all. People just keep building and building malls and malls everywhere. Every year there seems to be a new mall popping out of every city and it seriously annoys me. Maybe it's just me but i love peace and quiet, and any day at the mall with shoppers and annoying crowds, i would trade it to just spend a nice walk on a park. Feeling the light warmth of the sun, the cool breeze on my face,the swaying of the trees. The park's peaceful environment is a sanctuary for me. I usually just sit there on a bench or under a tree and drink boba, now that's what you call a perfect Sunday.
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