Friday, July 17, 2009


wow, things just took the turn for the worse, so im planning to go to the Philippines after December but it's still a 50/50 chance. Originally Bioschock 2 was supposed to be released by November 2009, sadly it will be delayed and it will be released sometime in the future of 2010, man and i thought i would get to play it before i went home, because i wont be bringing my ps3 to the Philippines, oh well i hope there is a pc version of it, because i really want to be a big daddy =(

P.S. watch the video, im gonna try to make a costume like it for halloween.

True Blood Rocks!

evening,ladies, gents and vampires =) summer is slowing down for me, now im bored and got nothing do, no video games to play, i havent touched my ps3 in a week, i havent gone outside to watch a movie or get some food but it's all good for me, because i got vamps, shape shifters and a whole lot of crazy stuff to keep me entertained. If you like Blood, Sugar, Sex and Magik (reference to the red hit chili peppers) then you are gonna get addicted to the series true blood. See i dont have HBO i have showtime, which i think sucks, because there arent alot of quality movies in it, the only good thing about showtime i think is the Tudors (also a series) but the season is over, so i have to watch True Blood on links of the internets. True Blood is very very fun and sexy, it is my insomnia medicine, and frankly im quite impressed about the themes of the show, racism, religion the works, except that the world has to deal with the realization that vampires are for reals and they are here to stay. I never watched twilight. I never got into emo looking vampires with too much make up for a dude. The best vampire movie i would say is lol i think the title gives it away is "interview with the vampire" and let the right one in". For peeps who loves a good story and beautiful scenery with an oh so innocent theme, i recommend watching "let the right one in" trust me its a must watch, not scary at all. As for me, i think im turning into a vampire because of my insomnia, i sleep at 8:00 in the morning and wake up at 4:00 in the afternoon lol.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Kiss me.. Yes Leigh Nash I will!

yep, it's 4:49 am and im still wide awake, and i thought Leigh Nash would help me get to bed, but nooooo! instead i can't sleep because i can't stop listening to her cherub like voice, oh well sometimes i guess insomnia rewards you with good things. Ah her song reminds me too much of high school and the good times, i wish i could go back in time.Im browsing the web if they are going to have a concert in the future, but sadly i dont think its happening, oh well i am going to try to find a concert dvd of them tomorrow, damn im a sucker for these things lol.

Insomia makes me find Leigh Nash =)

Jesus, it's 3:44 and my insomnia kicks in which sucks.. oh well, what makes me go back to sleep? listening to good music... opened up youtube, surfed various acoustic songs, and i ended up with this video. OH and this brought back memories,i love sixpence none the richer, their guitar play is nice and Leigh Nash has been a crush of mine since i was a kid, i love this song in particular and i dont know why. Seriously why did it take me this long to find this video. God i am inlove with Leigh Nash, her beauty is so simple and her singing is that of a cherubs. PS: Check out her smile at 00:33 oh god,so pretty =) Tomorrow: Find the tabs for the song and remember it by heart! enjoy peeps!

Waiting For....

Seriously i ran out of things to play on my ps3, i just play nba 2k9 and rockband 2 everyday, which gets pretty boring. When are the new games coming out? Im guessing October is the month. Although like parker and colleen suggested im gonna try fable 2. There are a bunch of games that i am looking forward too. The beatles rockband is going to be awesome, finally me and my bro's could sing in harmonies, i hope that the " i got a feeling" song is included and i would like to perform it on a rooftop somewhere just like the beatles lol. Also i can't wait for Dragon Age origins to come out, i hope its good cause i desperately need something to substitute my WoW craving. My most anticipated game would be none other than Bioshock 2! i can't wait for the twist and turns of the game and i miss me my little sisters. Or common blizzard just release Diablo 3 already!

Bad Boy's2x Whatcha Gonna Do?

First off Congratulations to your 2009 NBA world Champions! The Los Angeles Lakers!!!!!!!!!! I apologize to the basketball gods if i didnt blog about them during their championship, reason is, i was having too much fun in chi-town and canada with my cousins that i didn't get to watch the championship game. But oh well i guess i just have to watch it again next year when the lakers repeat =)

Big stuff this summer happening to my Los Angeles Lakers. First off, our hats off to you Trevor Ariza, Kudos for your hussle and passion in helping us win another title. Screw your agent though,we here in laker land know that because of him you went to houston, I am pretty saddened by it, you were my 3rd favorite laker after Kobe and Pau, we will miss you and we hope that you find success and happiness in Houston.

Next, welcome mr. bad boy and crazy guy Ron Artest! like everyone in LALA LAND you will be welcomed here with nothing but love from us Laker Fans. We hope that you don't snap and go crazy haha all jokes aside, please help us win another championship, prove the doubters wrong and bring your toughness, passion and great defensive skills to the table along side your homeboy Lamar the candyman odom and the black mamba and the spanish fly. Lakers and Celtics 2010 nba Finals! prepare for a beatdown three amigos! Lakers for Life!

The iphone and I... (iphone review, sort off)

I am not a phone person. I dont want to be reachable all the time, so why did i get the iphone? Ummmmm to be honest i just wanted the mp3 function, so my workouts wont feel that long and i don't know something about alternative music gets me pumped, so i guess the phone function is a bonus for me, besided who want's to carry a phone and an mp3 separately. But yeah the iphone got me, i fell inlove with it and i think it's really sexy lol. The apps are so cool and who knew that the games were ok. I got my iphone hacked though so i can get all the freebies so i can just download games and stuff from here and there. Also a lot of the apps are pretty sweet and useful. I got the Lose it! app which helps me track my calories. I got the facebook and YM apps as well to keep me updated about what's happening with peeps in my life. There are tons of apps for everything so that's always a plus. Also i love it cause i can blog on the go. So when ever i see something cool or if anything catches my fancy, boom! just take snapshot picture, write about it walahhh another entry in my online blog diary. Also the games are not too bad, so whenever im bored i try to play a few. The only downside to it is the battery life. Seriously apple needs to fix that crap. 15% of gaming and you loose like 25% of battery life. Now i need to buy a car charger for my trips and outings. But overall i would recommend it. i would give it a 9 out of 10.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thing's that I LOVE but i try to AVOID!

I am literally salivating right now, why you ask? cause i am on a diet and i have been working out since my return from Chi-town and Canada. So Far so good. Sometimes its torture because i love food, but it's worth it in the long run. This might sound over the top, but i am counting calories now, LMAO! never in the world would i think that the day would come where i bow to count calories but i guess never say never! Now i "BOW TO MY SENSEI!" the calorie counter. My calorie Budget is 1700 a day and i have been sticking to it 6 times a week and I also run six times a week.

CHEAT DAY! is basically a random day of the week were i can eat whatever junk food i want but it moderation. I ate an IN and OUT burger last sunday and i swear my conscience was telling me not to. After that cheat day is still in effect, but no more of those heavy junk foods, im probably just gonna eat a regular hamburger. (I took a picture of the burger that i ate have a looksee and see how big it is and bask in it's glory!)

Things that i Love but try to Avoid:
1.In and Out Burgers - Found only in California! the best burger in the world, price is ok. Everything on your burger is freshly made and the fries are awesome. I usually eat this stuff after i watch a movie. As you can see here in the picture that i took from my phone it is really a mouthful. I got the 4x4 burger and Animal Fries. (It's my first time ordering a 4x4 like they say, you got to try it one time at least in your life time) and yes i have downed eat like a boss in WoW which rewards you with a lot of Epic Calories.

2.White Castle Burgers - Pride of the East Coast? i don't know but during my trip to Chicago i think i ate 20 of these. Their quality is ok, but if you have insomnia like me, play video games a lot and have night time craving's this stuff is the right hand of god for you. I swear the next time i visit the east coast the first food im gonna chow down are white castle burgers!

3. Polly's Pie - a person who doesnt love pie is not a person at all. Seriously how could you resist the goodness of sweet strawberry pie. I never really go out and but pie's, thats why i always wait for any celebrations in my family. For sure my aunt's would order polly's pie which is the awesome. Not to sweet but like MnM's it melt's in your freaking mouth.

4. Lollicup/Quickly taro slushy ice tea - My college guilty pleasure. before night school during hot summer day's what better to sip on than a taro boba slushy ice tea!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Beach Fun!

To be honest, i hate the beach... why? because i want to surf so bad and i don't know how to swim. But oh well, went there with my cousins to have a bonfire and over all i had a blast, played beach volley ball, got my feet wet, witnessed a beautiful sunset and ate smores. Now i know that being a noob in swimming doesn't hinder my abilities to have fun at the beach =) so if your going call me up!

Conrad 2.0

there is a new and improved conrad out there! And i got to say i am really proud of myself. First i have given up soda, now all i drink is water. Then i started working out everyday and i run an hour a day and now i count my calories and eat right, so things are looking up =).
I'm trying to be better so that i can healthier and live longer cause life is short so im trying to be at my best every time. Im not a perfectionist or anything close to that but im sticking to the healthy living plan, although i still have a one day cheat day were i can eat a bunch of food i try to discipline myself. I don't expect a miracle to happen overnight but im feeling good and i fell stronger than ever. Rock!


Canada was awesome!
What impressed me was that the place was very very clean. The gloomy weather is a plus for me cause i love the cold, the only hellish thing about living in chi-town and Canada is the snow or winter time because i heard that the cold is hell and i am a lazy person and i dont think i can deal with all the shoveling, so California you get a point for you ever so sunny skies. Canada rocked too, stayed at my ate min min's place, hanged out with my cousin's and the highlight of the trip was when i went on a fishing trip with my uncle's. We went on this man made but beautiful lake on my uncle's boat which was named princess chelsea after her daughter, and yep we fished for 8 hours and we only caught 3 fishies. First we caught a bass which was illegal cause it is still not bass season so we had to return it. Next we caught a small fish i forgot what it's called and 5 hours later we caught a red eye fish which was pretty big. Some of my uncle's were bored as hell but i had a blast. i love nature stuff and just being there with no one bothering you is like achieving inner peace. On the last day we went to spend it on my aunt's cottage near a beautiful lake. My uncle's prepared barbecues which were awesome and everyone just hanged out on the cottage. It was an extremely fun trip. The only horror to it was after crossing the border back to America the roads were under repair so we had to go through Detroit, no hating on Detroit but i don't think i could live there, it's a pretty scary place.

Chi-townd and Canada Rocked

i love my family more than anything! This is a late entry but who knew, i was looking for something life changing and i found it. Went on a trip to Chicago and Canada for almost two weeks and had the time of my life. To tell you the truth i was being kind of pessimistic to visit the east coast cause being from the west coast we all have our prejudices, but something about Chicago felt homey to me, seriously i could live there, the only negative thing about the place was the traffic and how small the streets were but over all it was great. Met a lot of cool and interesting people which was the awesome. The best part of the trip though was just hanging out with my family on my mom's side. It was fun every time. IT was a huge relaxation trip for my mom also because she got to hang out with her siblings, and wow the stories they tell are endless. I didn't know that people past their 50's could pull an all night-er and just laugh, cry and share their crazy stories. Hanging out with my cousins is like heaven, i met a bunch of them for the first time and they were all cool and i am very proud of them. I would take a bullet for anyone of them. We just stayed up and talked about video games, life and what not. It was really funny because we stayed up as late as we can and no one was budging in for sleep until everyone else is sleeps, haha that just show's how we all love each other. I didn't get to eat the chicago style deep dish pizza but i bet it's nothing compared to the white castle's which rocks and the time i have spent with my family which i would treasure forever.