after the fiesta celebration, well its a very common Filipino tradition to drink with your buddies. I got to admit, im not a fan of drinking, im a classified social drinker. But with the mixture of great friends, crazy stories and endless laughter it's a good thing to drink the night away and savor the good times, the past, present and the new.

I don't get so stupidly drunk that I can't walk home or remember anything in the morning, to me that's a lot of dead brain cells right there. I just enjoy the aspect of talking, seeing old and new friends passing by and asking them if they want to join in or a least have a glass of cold beer or as we call it over here "shot". Also the drinking part is really represents the warmth and the hospitality of us Filipinos. It's a combination of camaraderie amongst friends and family,and the wholeness aspect of a community. I also consider it as a form of freedom, sort of like speak easy's in the olden days, in which everyone has a voice or a say, whether it's about shitty politics, relationship problems, love or anything out of the ordinary, you know that your, drunk buddy is just beside you listening waiting for his turn to share.

Cheers Peeps
(and no im not drunk while writing this)

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